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Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Dirigenza scolastica e pedagogia per l'inclusione


Visit the English version of the Unversity of Florence website


Guide to the University of Florence Academic Year 2013/2014 (pdf)


Departments and Schools


Information about: Enrollment of EU Students, Enrollment of non-EU Students, Erasmus Students, Students from Brazil, Catering and Accommodation


Degree Programmes and Courses
Information about: Courses Taught in English, First Cycle Degrees (L), Second Cycle Degrees (LM), Single Cycle Degrees (LM c.u.), International Degree Programmes, Single Courses, Specialisation Schools, Master Courses, Advanced Study Programmes, PhD


Scientific Research
Information about: Research Grants, Research Products, PhD


International Relations
Cooperation Agreements, EU Programmes, Promotion of International Activities, Cooperation for Development


Innovation & Knowledge Transfer
Information about: CSAVRI, Patents and Copyrights, Spin-offs, Research Labs, Foundation for Research and Innovation, Orientation and Job Placement


Cultural Centre for Foreigners and Language Centre

ultimo aggiornamento: 27-Feb-2015
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